Top 5 Fasting Survival Tips YOU NEED TO KNOW for Ramadan

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Fasting in Ramadan for 30 days can become intense. So we rounded up some top tips to keep you healthy spiritually and physically during this blessed month. Ramadan is a time of worship, but we’ve got to also look after our health, here are some survival tips for fasting.

Top 5 Fasting Survival Tips:

1. Stay Hydrated

It’s important to keep your body hydrated, so instead of downing a can of fizzy at Iftar, down a glass of water.

Drink Water
No Fizzy Drink

2. Try not to overeat

As tempting as it may be to eat everything on the Iftar table, moderation is best, That will allow you to be able to pray comfortably and even exercise before or after iftar.

Do Not Overeat | Fasting Survival Tips | Ramadan

3. Keep yourself occupied

Try to occupy yourself with ibadah (worship), even if you are working as that’s also ibadah.

Ibadah | Ramadan

4. Sleep well

As much as night prayers are recommended, you still have a duty towards your body to sleep well, so try to plan short naps during the day.

Sleep Well | Fasting Survival Tips | Ramadan

5. Stay Motivated

Fasting as a community really helps motivation while we still may be in lockdown or isolation, it is important to remind yourself of the reasons you are fasting and keep yourself motivated for the whole month.

Stay Motivated | Fasting Survival Tips | Ramadan
Top 5 Fasting Survival Tips YOU NEED TO KNOW for Ramadan
