
Al-Khwarizmi is one of the most famous astronomers, geologist, and mathematician at the time of the Golden Era of Muslims. He is also the inventor of many mathematical methods and a branch of math, called Algebra. Furthermore, he was the first to use decimals to express the fractions.

He made most of his discoveries and scientific contribution in the period of 813 to 833. He was also an excellent translator and has translated so many books into the Arabic language from other languages, such as Sanskrit and Greek. He has died at the age of 70 years in 850.

Algebra Invention |

Algorithms :

The algorithm is an Arabic word which is now used to define a process in which certain steps are performed for the solution of a problem; especially in the computer, The concept of algorithms was first given by Al-Khwarizmi to solve certain problems in defined steps of calculations. Today, computer widely use algorithms to solve a wide variety of problems and decision making. Due to the introduction of the concept of algorithms, Al-Khwarizmi is sometimes referred to as the father of computer science.

Improvements in Sundials – Sundial is an instrument which shows time with the help of the position of the Sun. The sun forms a shadow of the pointer on a plate which contains marks of the time period. The shadow of the pointer rotates on the marks when the sun changes its position. Al-Khwarizmi improved the design of sundials and made them a universal instrument for checking the time in any part of the world.

Muslim Impact on European Enlightenment | Dr. Safiyyah Ally

Muslim Impact on European Enlightenment | Dr. Safiyyah Ally says that the Enlightenment might have looked totally different if not…

February 8, 2021