Brittany Roberts is 31 years old & lives in Florida. She has been a Registered Nurse for 7 years and currently works in the Cardiac Cath Lab.
Serving her community is her passion. She grew up in a very conservative area and was always southern Baptist (with no exposure to other religions). With Racial and religious tension increasing in this country, she decided to be an example and a voice for those who are scared. Her goal is to bring people together and bring peace and unity among people of different religions and cultures.
Brittany Roberts may convert to Islam sooner than anyone could think. Though she grew up as a Southern Baptist Christian but the experience she had recently about hijab could be a reason for her conversion into Islam. What an iron of life! Hijab crisis has been rocking Kwara State in Nigeria where Missionary schools are denying students to wear it, here is a white lady narrating how she felt wearing it to commemorate this year’s World Hijab Day.
Brittany Roberts is a Cardiology Registered Nurse born and raised in the United States of America but grew up as Baptist Christian. She said: “I am currently in the process of converting to Islam”! Why? Simply because of Hijab.
Though for the first time, she was a little bit apprehensive of wearing it because of what people might say but with the trust she had in God, she wore it all day with confidence. She said: “I was scared I would get negative attention. However that was not the case. I received an abundance of love and support. Everyone from all different backgrounds and religions cheered me on”
In the gathering of people, they asked her while she put on Hijab, and she would make sure she explained the essence of World Hijab Day to them. She further maintained that everyone cheered her on and thought it was the most beautiful and selfless thing. It was a very humbling and amazing experience that she will remember for the rest of her life. Wearing the Hijab, she has been so overwhelmed with emotions about how great it is!